She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age. 她仍有着年纪比自己小一半多的年轻女人的精力和性感。
The miniskirt of pink appears easily too lovely, with the small vest of mature feeling collocation makes acrimony sex appeal. 粉色的超短裙轻易显得过于可爱,和成熟感觉的小背心搭配制造辛辣的性感。
Kristen Stewart is a very talented actress and is dating the hottest guy in Hollywood, but does she have the sex appeal to pull off Lara Croft? 克里斯汀·斯图尔特是个很有天分的女演员,而且目前正在跟好莱坞最帅的男人谈恋爱,但是她是不是拥有能够担当起LaraCroft这样一个性感角色的魅力呢?
Although an offensive term to some, others consider it a positive sign of society's increasing acceptance of older women's sex appeal. 一些人认为这个词有点冒犯,不过另一些人认为它说明社会认可年长女性的魅力,具有积极意义。
The cross-Atlantic merger has captured our imaginations because it is a global business development rich with personality and sex appeal. 这起跨大西洋合并案激发了我们的想象力,因为它是全球商业领域发生的一件彰显个性与魅力的重大事件。
Further, I have even shared research demonstrating that the color of clothing, specifically red clothing, increases sex appeal. 而且,我甚至分享了一份研究,它证明了不同颜色的衣服,尤其是红色衣服,可以提高魅力。
Furthermore, if you would rather not use sex appeal to influence and get unwanted attention from men, then heels might not be the way to go. 与此同时,如果你宁可不用魅力变得有影响力,也不想得到男性的不必要的注意力,那么,高跟鞋也许不是解决方法。
The stereo modelling of cheetah and ring blend flawless, implicit be vividly portrayed, behaved sex appeal adequately, the woman of intoxicate is beautiful. 猎豹的立体造型与指环配合得天衣无缝,隐含的呼之欲出,充分表现了性感,醉人的女性美。
So, all this play I've been getting is from pure sex appeal? 那这些投怀送抱的都是因为我的魅力?
Such really, white sex appeal is a kind of very comfortable sex appeal, what can make a person exceeding loosen is sexy, quiet comes however, if if not have, have, but another eye be clear. 的确如此,白色的性感是一种很舒适的性感,能让人极度放松的性感,悄然而至,若有若无,但又一目了然。
He has bout as much sex appeal as a wet fish. 他是个缺乏性魅力的人。
I am a chemistry senior engineer, The skin white, gentle, knows the nature, the independence, the sex appeal, Does not have the burden, The hope looks for one to love me the gentleman. 暗香残留我是一名化学高级工程师,肤白、温柔、知性、独立、性感,无负担,希望找一个爱我的男士。
For all his sex appeal, he remains a family man. 无论如何性感,他坚持家庭至上。
Miss World, attractive, sex appeal! 世界小姐,漂亮,性感!
The last thing I want to play to is sex appeal, says Ida Liu, head of the fashion retail group in Citibank's private banking arm in New York. 花旗(Citibank)驻纽约的私人银行业务部门的时尚零售集团主管伊达•刘(IdaLiu)表示:我最不愿迎合的就是性感。
Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable. 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞公主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较。
They tend to prioritise sex appeal in a date rather than compatibility, but for a long term relationship they need someone who can keep up with them mentally. 他们对约会对象重视的是魅力而非谈得来,但要建立长久的关系,他们则需要心灵契合的人。
All she does is stand around oozing sex appeal. 她只能站在那装出性感模样。
French women lead Europe as mothers, workers and in health and sex appeal, say some of the country's leading sociologists. 欧洲资深社会学家日前指出,法国女人不仅能成为好母亲、好职员,并且身体健康、性感迷人,她们是欧洲最优质的女人。
The actor, originally from Barnes, southwest London, said he found being beautiful "quite hard", despite insisting that half of people didn't get his sex appeal. 这位来自伦敦西南部巴恩斯的男星说,他觉得要弄得漂亮“挺难的”,尽管他认为有一半的人并没有觉得他性感。
The soul of sexy, is the nature of the real sex appeal. 灵魂的性感,才是骨子里的真正的性感。
Because of this, it says tobacco companies target young people by falsely linking the use of tobacco products with qualities such as glamour, energy and sex appeal. 由于上述原因,世卫组织说,烟草公司以年轻人为目标,把吸烟与魅力、力量以及性感等品质联系在一起,误导年轻人。
Men worry about going bald because they think they will lose their sex appeal. 男人担心变秃,因为他们觉得这样会失去性魅力。
The tobacco industry falsely associates use of its products with desirable qualities such as glamour, energy and sex appeal as well as with exciting activities and adventure. 烟草业毫无根据地将使用烟草产品与有魅力、活力和性吸引力等受欢迎的品质以及令人兴奋的活动和冒险经历联系在一起。
So I'm glad I didn't give into that infantile, juvenile interest in facial, beauty and sex appeal. 所以我很高兴我没有把我幼稚的,年轻的兴趣都放在脸的美丽和性的吸引上。
The modern CEO including the most nerdy among them even has sex appeal. 现代的CEO包括他们当中最差劲的人都具有一种巨大的魅力。
Auctions have traditionally lacked sex appeal. 传统的拍卖对女性缺乏吸引力。